Since the start of 2015 is JOURNAL OF STYLE not the only blog kinda Journal of the blogosphere with a touch of a magazine! And I'm proudly presenting these 3 amazing 
ladies who are discovered the mentioned touch for theirselves and take their sites 
into a higher level! [...] 
Let's start with Amanda Shadforth the owner of ORACLEFOX.COM.
Her blog is one of the most innovative's out there and influences the entire fashion 
industry but more important thousands of bloggers everywhere! I remember one of her 
first posts, wearing knitted shorts... then lost her on my radar and found ORACLE FOX 
through another blog a couple of years ago. Amanda's understanding of fashion 
and sense of style is mirrored in her editorials which you can find on her Journal

Like I mentioned it here, I love to follow Anine Bing's blog! Since she is a loving mom 
and a working woman trying to handle her family life, her business and reputation! 
The Journal of her online shop is all about: music, film, art, fashion, music, people 
and places. Read great interviews about your icons while your listing to your fave 
Spotify song and don't forget to shop The Look or just visit Anine's World
You can't miss it, it's all above, next to: THE JOURNAL!

The last but not least: The Journal by A Portable Package owned by the stunning 
Irina Lakicevic! Irina wanted to change the DNA of APP by transforming it into a 
"fashion-centred lifestyle website" for modern women. Look forward to inspiring 
posts of interior, "food porn", editorials and daily looks of Ms Lakicevic.

Follow me on facebook, instagram and bloglovin!


  1. Amanda ist einfach der Wahnsinn oder??
    Eine pure Inspiration.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Abend Liebes.
    Kiss Kiss :-**

  2. Ich LIEBE ihren Style - sie ist unglaublich talentiert und ein Profi durch und durch! ;-)
    Danke dir, Süße! Bis bald!! :-*


  3. Ja, da hast du Recht! Sie ist ein Profi durch und durch!! Folgst du ihr auch auf Instagram? :-)

  4. Na klar! Die Photos, die sie immer macht, sind klasse!!! Du bestimmt auch, wie ich deinen Geschmack kenne! ;-P

    Bussi Nissi!
