I recently stumbled upon an interview at The Huffington Post which claims the 
end of  the "fashion blog era"! 
It's been said that:
"Blogging is nothing special anymore.
 It's not avant-garde. Nobody is intereted in "ordinary" thing and "ordinary" people 
at least on a large scale. When the blog hype have been started  [...] every average 
girl wanted to start a fashion blog to present the H&M purchases of the last 
weekend. That's neither a sophisticated visual content nor interesting article.

It's an established mass medium with different configurations. 
There are some fabolous blogs which have been started later on and are very 
sucessful now. 
But yes, the hype is over!"

I could not help but wonder: 
Are we really visiting other blogs to satisfied our desire for designer bags and shoes? 
Or is it just about SHARING a passion with thousands of others? Actually: FASHION! 
I can visit a lot of high-fashion retailers either on- or offline to dream of Chanel, 
Gucci & Co. Nevertheless I'm sitting in front of my notebook to communicate with 
bloggers which I honestly admire and love for already 6 years now! 

What do you think is the hype of blogging really over? 
Or can we coexist alongside of Chiara"s and Leandra"s at this blogosphere?

Follow me on twitter, facebook and bloglovin!


  1. Euge Etcheverry4/23/2015 7:10 AM

    I don't know. The truth is that vloggers are way more popular than bloggers now, but I found in blogging a real passion, I love to share my style and see that some people are interested in my opinion. I think it's too soon to tell wether blogging is going to evolve into something bigger or it's going to be over. This is a live community and it depends on us. We either make it or break it. The fact that now a LOT of girls have fashion blogs is definitely true, but it makes the blogosphere grow. I hope that we don't get left behind. Bloggers are essential to the fashion world, that's my opinion.

    This post was very interesting!

    Obsessed Fashion Blog

  2. such a cool Outfit

    Check out my new post on my blog about San Francisco
    Posts online about many styles, Tahiti, Buenos Aires, Egypt..

  3. I think it was more popular earlier and in the same time people didn't pay so much attention on it,they were just blogging for themselves,but eventually most of them became famous and they even didn't expect that...
    But now all these youtubers are more desired,with their vlogs,beauty and fashion videos..

    I hope I understood you properly...:) It's just how I think :)

  4. bloggers are a huge market and the hype will never really die down. i think its the interest in finding quality bloggers who truly inspire that makes it look as though the hype is out - for one reason really...our need to explore and go beyond. the fact that there are tons of bloggers out there, only means we need to see more, improve more and i guess inspire more than we ever could before.

    kisses from dubai ♥

  5. The hype is not over , with real passion i think it is going to get better.

  6. Such a great look! I loved reading about what the Huffington post said too.. I do think it's true that the market is becoming saturated.
    Melanie @

  7. In my opinion the hype is not over, bloggers are still an inspirations for a lot of people who love watching them!
    Xxx dear


  8. Beauty Follower4/23/2015 6:14 PM

    Nice white outfit... love the black details!

  9. Glad you've noticed them, love B&W! Thanks! ;)


  10. I couldn't have put it better myself, lovely! Thank you for inspiring me for the next post, Carolina! ;-*
    And for your wonderful comment of course!!


  11. Sadly but true! Thanks for reading and for sharing your opinion on my blog, Melanie! ... love white! ;-)


  12. I'm sure of it as well! Great comment, dear! Thank you so much, Sophia!!!


  13. Oh, thank you so much, my dear! So happy you like my simple look, Rafaela! ;-*


  14. You're absolutely right, Masha! Back in the days it was something new and the IT bloggers were in the right spot at the right time! Most of them have had kinda fashion related background... at least this is what I found out...
    I have really to check some of vlogs... I didn't know they getting "more desired"! Thank you, Masha for your great comment and for sharing your opinion with me! <3


  15. I absolutely understand what you're talking about, Euge! I have to admit to talk to an audience in a video is not my thing! It wouldn't be me and I could be as honest as I am on the blog...! Wrting and sharing inspiration as such as style of fashion with others is more personal than talking into a camera... at least in my view! But you should never say never, right?! Cause like you've written: " depends on us!"!
    Thank you so much for reading my post! I deeply appreciate your beautiful speech here!!! Thanks again!!


  16. I'm loving the white on white! It is super cute :)

  17. I've recently started a fashion blog, and already there are people who have told me "blogging is dead" and suggested me to move on to youtube or other social media. In my opinion the market is saturated with sub-par content, which makes only top quality blogs popular. I think that's a wonderful goal to strive towards.

    Also, your outfit is beautiful! ;)

  18. Ach Liebes. Das ist wirklich eine schwierige
    Frage, haben wir privat auch schon kurz darüber geredet.
    Also, ich denke nicht, dass der Hype grundsätzlich
    vorbei ist.
    Ich bin seit Juli letztes Jahr dabei und in der Zwischenzeit
    habe ich gemerkt, dass viele Blogs als reine Werbeplattform gehandelt werden,
    was ich sehr persönlich schade finde. Es hat so viele Blogs – unglaublich!!
    Aber wenn man die Qualität anschaut, dann relativiert sich das Ganze.

    Kussi :-**** Heute ist Fryay :o))

    PS: Uiii, du siehst ganz in weiss wie ein Engel!! Super

  19. Dein Outfit ist einfach nur Wow, richtig schön!

    Ehrlich gesagt, manchmal habe ich mir genau das gleiche gedacht: " Irgendwie ist bloggen tot." Aber im weiteren Verlauf meiner Überlegungen, kam ich dazu, dass man eher sagen sollte, dass sich bloggen besonders in den zwei Jahren massiv verändert hat. ich stolpere immer öfter über Fashionblogs, auf denen nichts mehr "Fashion" ist, sonder bestenfalls Mainstream bis langweilig. Ja, bloggen ist in der breiten Masse angekommen.

    Liebst Julia


  20. Diego Hernandez4/24/2015 5:12 PM

    Love how you accented an all white outfit with black pieces! Your outfit is very simple and casual yet very elegant. It doesn't matter if fashion blogging is now dead, all that matters is that we, fashion and style bloggers, are doing what we love and we enjoy doing it. I enjoy sharing outfit ideas to others and at the same time getting some tips and inspiration from other bloggers so just keep doing what makes you happy :)


  21. Aww, thank you so much, lovely Zee! Happy you like my kinda innocent look! ;-)


  22. Congrats to your wonderful start, Audrey! I love your very aesthic blog and your kind of style! Simple and clean, how I like it!! <3 I understand you dear! So please don't listen to others: If you're ready to move on - than just do it! ;-) Agree with you about the sub-par content! Let's do our best, lovely! ;)
    Thank you so much for your amazing comment!!! Appreciate your opinion!

    The last post was all about black, trying almost all white this time... haha! Thank you! <3


  23. Danke sehr für deine Meinung bzw. den netten Kommentar, Julia! Ich stimme dir absolut zu! Die Bloggergemeinschaft wächst Tag für Tag! So paradox es auch klingt, denn wir wollen alle Leser, letzendlich bloggen wir doch nur für uns selbst, um unserer Kreativität auf irgendeiner Weise Kreativität zu verleihen bzw. uns auf diese Weise ausdrücken und zu entfalten!
    Vielen Dank, liebste Julia! :)


  24. Oh wow! Welcome on my blog, Diego! Thank you so much for the nice comment! Really appreciate your words! Amen, I'm so with you! So true, inspire and be inspired by other, that's all about! Love your encouraging words, thank you for state your opinion here!!! :)


  25. Ach, meine Nissi... du bist das Ying & Yang in Person, Süße!!! ;-***
    Und ich bin sehr froh, dass DU dabei bist und meine Meinung teilst! Hihi! Ich bin auch der Meinung, dass das Bloggen zur Zeit eine große Entwicklung durchmacht, wobei sich der "Weizen vom Spreu" trennt! ;) Ich bin auch kein großer Fan von Werbung auf dem Blog (jedoch hinter dem Blog). Da verliert man leicht den Blick aufs Wesentliche, nämlich Mode und der Community! In diesem Sinne bin ich sehr happy darüber eine neue Freundin gewonnen zu haben!!! LOOOOOVE! ;-DDDD

    Muaahhhhh, chica bonita!!!
    Yay, Friyay! Chillen!!!!!! :-DD

    PS: Danke schön, meine Liebe! Nach schwarz kommt.... weiß! Hahaha....

  26. Aditi Oberoi Malhotra4/25/2015 5:10 AM

    You look so amazing in white, perfect for Summer!! As far as blogging 'the hype is over' I guess if you have the right content you will be noticed it might take more time than it use to but you also have to actively participate on other social media platforms.

    Adi xx

  27. Thanks, my dear! I absolutely agree with you, Adi! Social media is a must for every successful blogger! Thank you for the great comment!


  28. Jööö Mausi :-)
    Siehst du wie oft wir gleicher Meinung sind? :-) schon erstaunlich meine Liebe :-)

  29. I think it's a plot to get rid of us! Bloggers have taken so much from "the industry", that their heads are swimming. We recommend. We advise. We showcase. We tell it like it is! It's not over, as long as bloggers continue blogging.

  30. I'm sharing the same opinion, Kimi! It's like you've written here! And that's a fact: "We tell it like it is!" 'Cause we're "real" people who tell the truth about their products and maybe that's the point of this "plot"! Thank you so much for sharing your honest and motivated words on this post, sweetie! It's always a pleasure to read your gorgeous comments!!!! Very much appreciated!!! ;-****

